How Vaping E-Cigarettes is Harmful To Gum and Oral Health

Emergency Dental Services

Emergency Dental Services

Recent years have witnessed a surge in the popularity of vaping. Marketed as a safer alternative to traditional smoking, vaping has become a trend, specifically targeting the younger generations. Well, the fact of whether it is safe or unsafe is still being debated; what is clear by evidence is the health implications of e-cigarettes and their detrimental effects on oral health, particularly on gums. Irrespective of their opinion regarding this new-age cigarette, one must be fully aware of its nature and potential consequences. Let us begin by understanding what an e-cigarette and vaping are.

To begin with, an e-cigarette or electronic cigarette is a handheld device that mimics the experience of smoking by producing an aerosol from a liquid solution. The liquid is called vape juice and contains nicotine, added flavors, and other chemicals. The act of inhaling and exhaling the vaporized liquid is termed as vaping. The biggest culprit in e-cigarettes is the otherwise labeled harmless water vaporizer. Containing a variety of chemicals such as nicotine, flavors, and additives, it causes damage to oral issues, leading to oral problems, gum disease being the most notable one. The nicotine present in the electronic cigarette is a vasoconstrictor by nature and narrows down the blood vessels, resulting in restrictions in the blood flow.

As a result, gum tissues cannot receive essential nutrients and oxygen. Due to compromised gum health, the oral cavity is exposed to bacterial invasions and inflammation. Gingivitis is a common gum disease observed as an inflammatory response to vaping, which may be identified by red, swollen, and bleeding gums. If left untreated, this initial response can turn into a severe gum problem, oftentimes causing irreversible damage to the bone tissue as well. With such a severe progression, it is expected to experience comorbid disorders concerning cardiovascular health and diabetes. E-cigarettes come in different flavors to attract more customers. While it may add taste to the user's vape, at the same time, it robs them of their oral tissue health and body's immunity. The continuous action of inhaling and exhaling causes a dry mouth, reduced saliva production, and increased risk of tooth decay and subsequent gum disease.

While the question of whether vaping is safer or not still prevails, there exists substantial evidence of the health risks posed by electronic cigarettes. One must be consciously aware of their eating and drinking habits and try to make healthy lifestyle choices that do not leave them with irreversible damage. Affordable dentures and implants offer a viable solution to those seeking restored oral functions. However, it is advised to either avoid or minimize vaping since the consequences may end up getting denture implants.


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