How Pregnancy Affects Oral Health?

Emergency Dental Services

Emergency Dental Services

Being pregnant is a great responsibility for the unborn baby’s safety and health. Before parenthood begins, it is essential to care for your oral health. Pregnancy may cause some health issues – hormonal changes, mood swings, and discomfort – add to the dental ailments that may need you to visit the emergency dentist to prevent further complications. But there is nothing to worry about if you practice good and regular oral care while being aware of possible issues that you may face because of the pregnancy.

Hormonal Changes Due to Pregnancy – Hormones are out of control during the pregnancy. Since hormones can affect your gums, causing inflammation and sensitivity, this can cause “pregnancy gingivitis.” It is painful and can cause bleeding or swollen gums. Fortunately, it can be prevented with good oral hygiene or a consultation with an emergency dentist if the gums are excessively swollen or bleeding.

Pregnancy Cravings – Pregnancy cravings are real, and everyone gives in to them. Snacking at odd hours or craving foods high in sugar or salt content often leads to a higher risk of cavities or other dental issues. Even if you can’t stop your cravings, practicing good oral hygiene can prevent the damage.

Fatigue due to Pregnancy – Pregnancy has its challenges and struggles, which always include fatigue that will meddle with the person’s ability to maintain healthy practices or carry out the chores as before. Neglecting regular oral care is common, and not being able to brush once or twice daily will lead to plaque buildup, eventually enamel damage, gum infections, and cavities.

Morning Sickness – Some people may not experience morning sickness during pregnancy, but if they do, it can lead to vomiting, which causes tooth decay because of stomach acids. This acid can be harsh on tooth enamel and cause cavities.

How to Care for Oral Health During Pregnancy?

· Brush Twice Daily – Even if you feel fatigued, it is vital to maintain a good brushing routine to prevent plaque buildup.

· Use Mouthwash – If you suffer from morning sickness, using a good mouthwash will be a good substitute for brushing.

· Try Flossing – If brushing fails to clear the food particles or plaque, flossing will take care of these to give you a perfect smile.

· Smart Cravings – Don’t stop yourself from indulging in foods, but opt for healthy alternatives; instead of candies, try naturally sweet fruits, and don’t forget to Prince your mouth after every meal.

· Drink Plenty of Water – Water will keep your mouth moist to prevent cavities; water is also a better alternative to sugary drinks.

· See Emergency Dentist – Even if your teeth are in good shape, seeing your dentist will ensure oral issues can be treated in the early stage.

Do You Need the Urgent Dental Care?

If you experience oral discomfort during pregnancy, see your emergency dentist immediately. You do not have to worry about traveling a long distance to find an excellent 24-hour dentist because Emergency Dental Service will connect you to the best dentist in your city.

The Article "How Pregnancy Affects Oral Health?" was originally Posted Here.


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